
This procedure involves removing part of the foreskin of the penis.

Q: Why would you need the operation?

The procedure is only indicated if you have narrowing or recurrent infection of the foreskin. Medicare or your private health fund will rebate you for this but will not pay for this procedure for other reasons e.g. religious reasons.

Q: What symptoms would I experience with this problem?

With recurrent infection, you may experience pain, redness or swelling of the foreskin.  Antibiotics usually relieve these symptoms temporarily but it may recur. Narrowing of the foreskin may cause discomfort during intercourse or penile erection.

Q: How do I know for sure that I have the condition therefore need this operation?

You will be examined by your surgeon to ascertain your condition.

Q: What scar will I have and what does the procedure involve?

Once the foreskin is excised it is again sutured up with absorbable sutures.  You will notice the suture line around the foreskin. 

Q: What anaesthetic will I have and do I have a choice?

Circumcision is done under a general anaesthetic.

Q: What are the possible complications and what are the chances that they occur?

Bleeding is a rare complication of circumcision.  The wound may rarely get infected.  If there is continue blood loss around the dressing you must see your surgeon or go to the emergency department at a hospital.

Q: What can I expect after the operation?

You will have a dressing around the foreskin.  There will be an opening for you to urinate.  You should wear supportive underwear.

Q: How long should I be off work?

Circumcision is a day procedure. Depending on the nature of your work, you may not need any days off work other than the operation day.  Discuss your circumstances with the surgeon at the consultation.

Q: When will I see my surgeon for review?

The surgeon will review you within 2 weeks of the operation